However, over the past several weeks I have found our newspaper under my truck in the driveway; torn up from being skipped across the driveway; and soaking wet lying in the lawn. Frustrated calls to the newspaper customer service department have temporarily reduced our delivery problems. But, cancellation (again) may still happen.
It surprises me how many organizations spend little to no time helping employees understand the critical 'I's' of their engagement - Identity, Importance and Impact. The last two employee engagement “I’s” are sorely lacking in my newspaper delivery debacles. Here's why:
- The carrier does not understand the IMPORTANCE of putting a newspaper in the designated box. He/she does not understand the IMPORTANCE of not ripping pages apart from skipping the newspaper across the driveway. He/she also does not understand the IMPORTANCE of a simple plastic bag to minimize moisture and mushy pages.
- The carrier also does not understand the IMPACT his/her actions have on customer service or the IMPACT it has on potential circulation growth or decay.
Most jobs have limited and or no direct contact with customers. Many jobs seem so fundamental, routine, and repetitive. Yet these jobs have a HUGE impact on an organization’s performance, brand, customer loyalty, and overall competitiveness.
Do ALL of your employees know their individual IMPORTANCE and IMPACT? It’s best delivered through sincere face-to-face stories, examples, and discussion – not flyers, posters, books, videos, and on-line orientation. Customers should not be frustrated, disappointed, or ultimately lost because simple things are overlooked and/or not done. But it happens every day.
Every person – every task – every ‘hand-off’ of a product, service, or information should add value – if the person doing the job knows how valuable their job and ultimately they are to business success. So, how you doing?